Saturday 1 March 2014

My Fave Lipgloss At The Moment!

 I say 'at the moment' because I get through lip gloss so quickly and always have about 5 at the bottom of my handbag...however the one I'm about to tell you about I have been wearing consistently.

It is from the new Revlon Colourburst range and the colour is Strawberry.
Without flash:

With flash:

Reasons to love this gloss

  • The doe foot applicator is really lovely
  • The texture of the gloss is perfect for me...not too glossy! Just lots of colour and a slight shine
  • The colour is so pretty on so many different skin tones
  • The colour stains my lips a wonderful pink tone once the gloss has worn off
You can see Tanya Burr wearing it in the picture below :)
Love you guys :) 
<3 <3 

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