Saturday 1 March 2014

Chocolate Cookie Recipe!

To make 10 (rather large) cookies you will need: 
200g butter
300g caster sugar
1 large egg
275g self-raising flour
75g cocoa powder
A little dash of milk 
A large bar of white, milk and dark chocolate
3 Daim bars 
Now pop on your apron and set your oven to 200 degrees celsius. Then whizz together your butter and sugar until it's a smooth consistency. My butter was a little cold so it looked a bit lumpy for a while! It was fine once it warmed up though :)

Next you need to crack in your egg, I was baking with Jim and as you can see he wanted to do this bit - it's always the most fun!
Then just put in all your dry ingredients and blend together until it looks like this! If your mixture is too dry, add a tiny bit of milk. Oh dear, look at the mess I made whilst whizzing up my mixture!! 
Now for the best part, the chocolate!
And don't forget the Daim bars! They give the cookies an incredible and unexpected toffee crunch.
Just break up all the chocolate and throw it into your bowl!
Once you've mixed the chocolate in, line 2 trays with baking paper or foil and then prepare to get messy! Use your hands to separate the mixture into 10 blobs (I think "blob" is the perfect word for them!)
Now pop your chocolatey blobs in the oven for 11 minutes - I have found this to be the perfect baking time. When you get them out they will not look cooked, it is vital you know this, as it will be very tempting to leave them in for longer and then they'll be hard and overcooked once they are cool. Just take your cookies out after 11 minutes and leave them to cool for about 30 minutes. During this time, Jim and I danced around the kitchen singing along to Drake. Don't know why, but this album is often our baking soundtrack!
30 minutes later your cookies will be ready to eat! Perfectly soft and still a little warm.
I hope you guys have fun making them!
Love Grace xxx
Kisses for my Fishes <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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