Friday 14 March 2014

Healthy Winter Soup Recipe

The temperature in England has suddenly dropped, so everyone here has been feeling rather chilly and in need of something comforting and warm. Of course I've got out my fleecy PJ's and Autumn/Winter candles, but the other day I decided that homemade soup would be the perfect thing to warm me up. Homemade soup is so good for you as you can control exactly what you're putting into it. So many ready-made soups that you can buy in the supermarket are full of additives and salt. You guys all know that I have a major sweet tooth, so I think it's really important to eat healthy most of the time so I can have sweet treats every now and then and it's ok. Homemade soup is one of the healthiest things you can eat. As the weather gets colder, we start to crave lots of stodgy carby foods like warm bread, mashed potato, pasta etc. Now, because I've made this soup quite thick, it ticks the box for me of being that "stodgy" warm food that I'm craving, however it is much much better for you than actually eating stodgy food and it tastes really good. I feel like I've said the word "stodgy" too much now and I'm not even sure if it's a real word....
Anyway! On with the recipe! 
To make enough for about 6 large bowls of soup you will need:
 Chicken stock
2 Onions
Garlic (put in however much you like, I did 3 pieces)
2 Leeks
1 large Sweet Potato
1 Carrot
150g Red Split Lentils
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil
Get a large pot on the heat and pop some oil in.
Chop up your onion and garlic and pop it into the pot, don't have the heat too high or it will burn.
Now the next bit's easy! Just chop up all your veggies and chuck them in the pot. Also pop in 150g of lentils - they are a great source of protein and also help to thicken the soup.
Add a bit more oil and let everything cook for about 3 minutes.
Now, add a litre of stock - I used chicken stock, but if you are vegetarian you can use veggie stock! Also, if you want to make your soup more "liquidy" than mine turned out, just add more stock! I like mine quite thick :)
Add salt and pepper, bring it to the boil, then just let it simmer for about 25 minutes or until the sweet potato is soft and the lentils are cooked.
25 minutes later, you need what I call a "whizzer" to whizz up the cooked ingredients and make them into soup! I like my soup quite thick and a bit chunky so I was careful not to whizz mine too much so I still had chunks of broccoli etc.
And that's it! The next thing I did was light one of my favourite wintery candles and cosy up with a bowl of the soup...
I know it's not the prettiest of dishes, but I can assure you it's delicious and so good for you too! I hope you guys like it if you make it yourselves at home, if you do, be sure to tweet me a photo or post it on instagram and tag me in it - I would love to know how you get on!

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