Friday 28 March 2014

Mac Colour Craft

Mac Colour Craft.

Colour Craft's release date was ever so confusing..
"It's out on the 13th"
"It's available on the web on the 9th/10th"
Yet was in my shop & a few others i have noticed the same day/day after as the web release date.
This could be down to the impatient Mac staff just wanting to get it all displayed, so yay.

I was SO tempted to order online when i noticed it was on the site, but i thought
"No, i will wait & see it in person as i don't want to get anything i regret"

So that is what i did.
I already had a little list of things that had caught my eye. Mainly the 131 brush as i am ever the brush fanatic.

My thoughts on the whole collection...
A few months ago, when i saw that this collection was going to be released, my tongue started wagging. (!)
I really do love the mineralized products mac usually comes up with as i have very dry skin, thus finding it pretty difficult to get that "glow" & i always think the products help achieve this.
When on close inspection in mac, i noticed that the previous excitement & hype surrounding the collection sort of...slowly vanished.
Don't get me wrong, there was some absolute gems in the collection but it was alot more "Shimmery" than i first thought.
The first mineralized blushes mac came out with were very pigmented & weren't overly shimmery, the second (duos) came with the option of shimmer...but it seems they've combined the 2 to come up with these. They look SO pretty, but i think a little too shimmery to wear on my cheeks, so instead i will probabaly use it as a blush/highlight (like an MSF)
The MSF's were so pretty also, but is it me..or are they all starting to look a little too similar? Although it must be kindof difficult coming up with something so different everytime.
The eyeshadows i passed on as i have so many already, and nothing really stood out to me as being something i'd wear alot that i didnt already have something similar. Although they do look pretty & interesting, but i dont really have the money for "interesting"
The lipglosses i also passed on.
The brushes were quite good. I liked that they brought out a completely different brush and re-promoted the 226 (which i already have from the BBR collection & love). & I have heard that the 131 is amazing to apply liquid foundation.
Overall i was pleased with what i purchased, but not that dissapointed that i didnt fall in love with anything it would have meant more money. :)

Colour Crafted Lipstick
Pretty Pretty.
I really do LOVE this lipstick. The perfect wearable pink.

I've seen/heard a few people comparing it to Saint Germain..when in actual fact..i don't think they're anything like eachother. Saint Germain is more opaque & much more of a purple toned pink. Whereas the Colour Crafted lippy is alot more wearable with a peachy undertone...

Triple Fusion MSFI got this one, as i thought it a nice medium of pinks/browns/golds.
I do really like this..although i do think that it is quite similar to the "Redhead MSF" which i purchased earlier in the year. However, the colour payoff on this one is much better & the consistency alot smoother. The colours are also alot more shimmery...and i actually found them to be quite crumbly because of this.

Triple Fusion & Redhead MSF
Daft Pink Blush
This is gorgeous to look at. The veining looks so pretty, but as i said earlier..maybe a little too shimmery for the apples of your cheeks...unless you were on a night out..or you like the shimmery look :)

131 Brush
This looks promising...I really wanted this ever since i saw they were releasing it. I actually see brushes a bit of investment as you pay good money for good quality & even if you're makeup routine changes with'll always have a good brush to apply it! My mum has had a mac brush for about 6 years...and its still going as strong as ever.

I have put the 131 beside the 187 just for size difference. As you can see from the image above..the 131 is alot more dense. Which means it could be a high contender for applying liquid foundation...we shall see :)

So that's my little Colour Craft splurge.
Let me know what you got & if you think i'm leaving anything out?

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