Saturday 15 February 2014

Louise Or Zoe?

Will it be Louise?
Will it be Zoella?

             Hi everyone! So i've just been watching Zoella and SprinkleOfGlitter on youtube and I thought I'd do a blogpost on it, Enjoy!

Basically there is a question like who would go to prison and then Louise (SprinkleOfGlitter) and Zoe (Zoella) would have to pick if Louise would go to prison or Zoe, hope that makes sense, if not, sorry but you'll probably catch on!

First Question...

Most likely to pee there pants laughing?
Zoe put Louise 
Louise put herself

Most likely to take charge in situations?
Zoe put Lousie
Louise put herself 

Most likely to be sleepy/tired?
Zoe put herself 
Louise put Zoe 

Most likely to cry in public?
Zoe put Louise 
Louise put Zoe

Most Mischievious?
Zoe put Louise 
Louise put Zoe 

Most likely to trip on a red carpet?
Zoe put Louise 
Louise put herself 

Most likely to throw a diva strop?
Zoe put Louise 
Louise put Zoe 

Most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?
Zoe put herself 
Louise put herself

Most flirty?
Zoe put Louise 
Lousie put herself.

This was just a quick post! Comment if you would like more of these blogs! 

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