Saturday 15 February 2014

25 facts about Zoella!

25 facts about Zoella!

1. Zoe is 5.5 foot 4 inches.
2. Shoes size is 3, same as me.
3. View from bedroom window is fields and forest for miles, mine is traffic and shops.
4. Zoella's favourite flower is a Lily.
5. Never ever been to a funeral.
6. She used to pretend she couldn't swim so that she would never have to go in the deep end were all the students have to swim underwater and she never wanted to get her hair wet or wear a swimming cap.
7. Zoe was an extra in Harry Potter 1 & 2, but you couldn't see her, in the first year she was in hufflepuff and the second year Sliveren.
8. Also an extra in Cranford, which is a period drama, you could see her wearing a bonnit and no makeup.
9. When Zoe really likes a song, she will play it on repeat over and over for days on end until she doesn't like the song no more.
10. She is secretly a messy and un-organized person.
11. Lucky Charms are her favourite cereal but the UK doesn't sell them so she gets them in swaps.
12. When she was 16, she chopped half her hair of and hated it.
13. When she was a small child, she had blonde ringlets.
14. Blog was originally called Showey because that was how she said her name when she was litle.
15. Secretly loves Phillip Scofield.
16. Has a phobia of vomit.
17. Mash potatoe is her favourite food and she eats it with everything.
18. Il of white is her favourite place to visit.
19. Misses old Saturday night television.
20. Her family is so big, she doesn't even know half of her cousins.
21. She is rubbish at applying false eyelashes.
22. Her all time favourite song is Fields of Gold.
23. You can poke her and it would bruise, she bruises very easily.
24. Zoella had two goldfish called Rosie & Jim.
25.Used to suck her thumb from ages 0 - 6.

Thanks for reading my blog post!

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